Sunday, July 25, 2010

my personal testimony,

Life has been like climbing a huge mountain, so dangerous, yet when reaching to a certain height, i feel that sense of satisfaction. the journey hasnt been easy, the going gets real tough, but at the end, all these struggles are what made me. We really came a long long way to where we really are now. And its just how amazing the journey has been. there were ups and downs, but at this point in time, the downs did not seem that down after all. even if it did, it was because at that point in time, we didnt put God in the equation. but its because of Him that we have made it thus far. I grew to know the Lord, became one of His own, but through these years, there were times i wasnt certain if i was on the right track. At times life felt like i was walking a thin thread on high grounds and every step i took was a risky one. maybe i fell once or twice, maybe thrice. but i learnt from them all. through the downfalls in life, it was when God will still stretch out His mighty hand. no matter how many times i've failed Him, He would still be there.
Today during LYNC, pastor Mike told us to go home to think carefully about our personal testimony and as he went through pointers on how to go about doing it, my life testimony seemed to playback like a video tape recorder. i recalled the times when i was not His own, instead i was worshipping another god i never knew. but then He found me, used me, and gave me a calling. and many asked : "Arent you tried of doing this every week? And what about your homework?" and then i thought to be myself," tired? " "maybe", maybe i was tired, dried that i was not growing at times, but all these commitments i gave to God was what kept me going. He is the reason i sing, the reason i am not afraid to go the extra mile, the reason i would give up time just to be in His sanctuary. Serving Him meant giving up time to study, but it meant spending more time with someone who gave His all for me. No matter how much time i give up for God, it will never be enough. so time is only thing i can sacrifice i guess. And giving up time to serve Him is the best thing to do. Just pending in His presence.
Well, life is like a mountain like i said, there are rough and steep slopes there are ups and downs, but at the end, the scenery from the peak of the mountain would just over right all the other struggles. and thats my goal in life, to reach the peak, and meet with Him one day, hearing Him say, " well done good and faithful servant!"

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