Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Only You Lord, only You

Completed 6km (: its the first time i ran all the way to bukit pangjang ten mile junction. Although at around 2.5km plus the shin splint hurt real badly and my leg felt like it was on fire, i managed to lift it up to God and as i kept on running, the pain started to fade and soon after, it was gone. Thank God for bringing me through the whole course (: managed to finish it within 1hr 15min.
Though its like way below my target, at least i believe its a good start. And His strength is ever sufficient for me to keep going no metter how tough it may be (: and only He can grant me the due comfort i need. It was a great time sweating out and like clearing my mind from the tiring school day


Saturday, March 26, 2011


Not evangelising = fear??  does it really mean that? hmm yesterday during LIFE!, the topic was on evangelism and it was a great awakening to know how strict our God can be especially when we are talking about speaking to others Him. However, as easy as it may seem, i find it tough to speak up. And partly is due to the fact that i have a lack of knowledge about His word. But more importantly, i feel im not worthy. Not worthy to be able to speak of His word and i feel i need to do something about my life before i can speak. because we need to need be living sacrifices for Him. hmm but i know its no excuse to refrain from speaking of Him to others.
But wouldnt it be ironic if we went around speaking and telling others about our great God but at the day, we ourselves dont make it to Heaven? that would be really saddening.

but anyway, i decided to share on this because today's QT also speak of speaking of the truth to others and i somehow got an ans to a doubt i always have.

"The purpose of sharing God’s truth is to profit others, not to prosper ourselves." 

This certainly reminds us that not only must we speak to others about Him, we need to be careful not to misrepresent God's truth and not to do it just to  benefit ourselves.

van van

Saturday, March 19, 2011

He speaks in many ways

this month alone, the verse pops up for 5 times already. Coming from all sorts of people and places, i get this verse and it seems to be a alarm clock i have been snoozing. hmmm...

"Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of the Father who is in Heaven." -Matt 7:21

van van.

Running the race

Managed to sign up for Great Eastern 10K again (: this year, its held earlier and its gonna be another goal i look forward to i guess. time to start training again (:
everything is the same except this year i will be running alone. E wont be around to pace me but im still gonna go for it and run for God (:
Let me run for You and You alone i am doing this for.

Great Eastern, here i come (: hahaha

Controlling retaliations

My Dad always said that if you stretch a rubber band too hard, it will either snap your fingers or break. 
One day it will break if we choose to keep pulling.

 hmm it feels great waking up in the morning and the first thing to do is to read His word and start the day right with Him. Woke up this morning at Anne's house and the first thing that came to my mind was not "what's for breakfast." or "what am i gonna do today" or "What am i gonna wear.." but rather, i turned on ODB and did my QT.. somehow i suddenly got that urge to do so.. haha. yap and i sat there while everyone was still sleeping and started reading.
Today's theme was about retaliation and somehow, God was telling me no matter what happens during the day, dont retaliate. and yap makes sense there.. hmm..yappies

"Lord help me not retaliate
When someone wants to pick a fight;
Instead, give me the strength and the faith
To show Your love and do what's right."
- Sper