Wednesday, April 3, 2013

You can make plans, but only His purpose will prevail

Its down to the last month before the Final exams now. And all i can do is lift this up to His hands. I havent done my utmost for the papers that are coming up. And they are like mountains yet again that i have to overcome. Will i fall and tumble like i did? Will i fail too see His hand behind all these obstacles? To take that step of faith and know what is right to do in His eyes. 
To be at His feet and to know that He shall take control of me sitting in that enormous hall. Coming all the way here now and knowing what its like to be empty without Him and to know that without Him, nothing is possible. I guess thats my greatest weakness. That i fear failure. Until the day i learn to face it , until the day i surrender it all to Him and stop trying to be that stubborn van, im gonna keep failing. But how do i go about doing that, how do i let go of that rope that i have been clutching on so tightly with all my might. To be honest, i have no idea. I believe thats the reason why i've encountered the same mountains over and over again. As long as you dont learn your lesson, God will always keep giving you that opportunity to do it all over again, until you learn to overcome it. Not by your strength, but by His might and power. 

"I sought the Lord and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears" - Psalm 34:4 
I hope that one day i will be able to share that testimony of how God made it possible for me to excel in my studies.