Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Blind Side

Watched this show last night with mum and dad. it depicts of a wonderful christian lady who funded for a boy name michael oher who did not have a home to stay in,had no mother to take care of him and had only one shirt and a plastic bag. he did not even know when his next meal would come from or how he was going to survive the next day.But with the help of Mrs Leigh Anne Touhy, (acted by Sandra Bullock), he became a famous football player (rugby in america) who also had an education. the school he was enrolled was a missionary school and what really touched me was how she was willing to lend a hand to michael and the way you could see God working in her life. its a amazing true story and it really touches me heart because it taught her lessons as well by helping him. he was changing her life because in the show, she is a really really rich woman since she is a designer, and she eats overpriced salads at like US$18, but as she starts to learn more about him, she starts to realise how fortunate the whites are and how much they have that they should be thankful for. its really a movie worth re-watching. and it also acts as an reminder about how fortunate we are to have a roof over our heads, to have parents to provide for our every need, to have more then one tee shirt, to have a comfortable environment to study in, and of course to have the freedom to praise the great God above.

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