Friday, July 8, 2011

How can you be more like Jesus if you dont know Him?

The only way to know more about this awesome God we are serving is through the word. If er do not read the word daily, how are going to tell others about Him when we are not even familiar?

"For the word of God is sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing to the division of the soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart." Hebrews 4:12

for it is said, " when we read His word, God speaks"

After reading God's word, i realised that is so much about God that i didnt know even though i've been a christian for the past 10 years. and its just how amazing God can be from the Word. And sometimes its just funny how the random passage i came about could relate to me so much even though it was written thousands of years ago. Daniel said: "God's word is shallow enough for a baby to swim in, but also deep enough for a diver to never reach the bottom." its really true i think. and this quote is just ironic. but thats the same thing about God. He is ironic. He died on the cross when He knew He had a choice, He went through all the pain although He had a choice. He chose fishermen as His disciples. He lived a life like any man although He was God. Thats just how amazing his God we're serving is.

Today's material has taught me about how there exist's people who are lost in the father's house. And we all hide behind one's principles. i guess i have been too human in the recent days. When i knew prayer was the most important thing, i took it for granted. When i know reading the Word was important, i overlooked it at times. I have been wayward at heart. And these few days the fasting material has amde me go through alot of self-reflection and now i seem more sober about the state i am in. And i think its a good to realise it now that maybe i have taken my faith for granted and now the relationship is cold. Someone told me this " If anything is taking you away from God, it has to be removed immediately" many quotes have been like some sort of an alarm clock ringing to me that its time to go home now and i think its time to stop the procrastination and really start to look back to God.

it does not matter how much effort you put to make others see what you do, but it matters what lies on the inside of you that only God can see. Because man looks at the outer appearance, but God looks at the heart.

Give thanks for friends around who have slowly taught me the way back to Him.

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