Sunday, November 28, 2010

83rd GB camp 2010

In those little activities, we've leant so much more. and i think its through the way they talk and how they express their little thoughts so cutely and creatively, that keeps me going no matter how tired i may be. (:

Thank God for the 8  pretty girls that turned up for camp. it was fruitful and fun although we didnt had big big activities. They were simple, but we had alot of fun time as one 83rd company. Yesterday, after school i head straight down to kovan. garh garh, long way, but the moment i saw them, the tiredness all faded (: and then yah dah yah dah.. we had popiah for dinner. no ordinary popiahs but popiahs we get to make ourselves. Each girl created their very own form of popiah and i thought its really cute. haha.although some might have encountered failures like putting too much garlic etc. but it was fun, and a good experience for the girls to make their own and to have the chance to start to learn to cook. (:

and then today we did outdoor cooking (: really had fun cause we used the mass tins (i dont know if its the right spelling but anyways...) and we got to go grocery shopping for the ingredients (: shopping with squad 2 was really fun because they very excited and they wanted to cook like baked cheese pasta with mass tins which is like too difficult..haha. but we invented our very own western cuisine haha. it was really fun being being able to do it with squad 2. (:

Overall, the camp was a great time spent with them, through doing crafts, cooking, singing, playing games, picking litter, or even just getting them to go to bed. Time spent with each of them was fruitful.
One thing that really touched me is how eager they are to learn about God's word and also about christianity. Out of the whole company, only 3 girls are christians. the rest are mainly muslims or buddhist, or free-thinkers. and i think it was a joy being able to share with them about Christ through the devotions, songs and even hand sign language which we do. I hope through the camp, it will spur them on to know what is it to be a christian.

The theme of the camp is to be a steward (: and i think it is really important, not just a reminder to the girls, but it was also a reminder to myself that i have to constantly be a steward and to take responsibility of the things that are set upon me.

Many a times, we tend to forget that the life we are living is not ours, but it's God who gave it to us. And we tend to forget that we need to be stewards, taking full responsibility of our lives and to know that we are to take control of it, but with God who is the traffic lights and direction signs, giving us the direction in our lives. But we, are the drivers of our car, we can choose to follow the direction signs and signals or we can choose to just go our own way. Stewards. We need to be stewards of our lives.

Indeed, no one is too young to do God's work (: something i learn from the 83rd Girl's Brigade company (: haha.

Isabelle, Ara, Gabrielle, Shao Min, Yi Ru, Eunice, Bao Yi, Amanda. missin them (:

Really thank God for the opportunity to be able to serve Him by teaching young little girls (:
my eyes are closing alr, so..... night night night

<3 <3 van

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